Saturday 23 May 2015

US Senate blocks bill to end NSA phone data collection

BBC News
The US Senate has blocked a bill that would have ended the bulk collection of Americans' phone records by the National Security Agency (NSA).
It also failed to authorise a temporary extension of the current legislation. Senators are to meet again on 31 May - a day before the bill is due to expire.
A US appeals court has already ruled the bulk collection illegal.
The NSA's spying was leaked by Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor who has since fled to Russia.
The NSA has collected data about numbers called and times, but not the content of conversations. It also allegedly spied on European firms.
Among individuals targeted was German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The White House has pressed the Senate to back the a bill passed by the House of Representatives - the Freedom Act - which would end bulk collection of domestic phone records. These records would remain with telephone companies subject to a case-by-case review.
The 57-42 Senate vote fell short of the 60-vote threshold.
Another vote held over a two-month extension to the existing programmes - Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act - also failed to reach the threshold.
Supporters of the proposed Freedom Act, including privacy and civil rights advocates, say it protects privacy while preserving national security powers.
The Patriot Act was passed after the 9/11 attacks and which will expire on 1 June.
The Snowden revelations in June 2013 caused an international outcry, despite US administrations insisting the programme has been fully authorised.
The measures have been repeatedly approved in secret by a national security court since 2006.

Bulk data collection rulings

  • NSA phone surveillance first revealed in June 2013 by Edward Snowden
  • Federal judge in Washington rules in December 2013 that mass collection may be unconstitutional
  • A week later, a New York district judge says it is legal
  • House of Representatives passes bill in May 2014 to end NSA bulk collection

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