Saturday 23 May 2015

Iraq forces start fightback against IS in Ramadi

BBC News
Iraqi forces and Shia militias have begun moving against Islamic State militants after the fall of the city of Ramadi last week, officials say.
The action was concentrating on the town of Husayba, east of Ramadi.
Shia militias began gathering for a counter-offensive after Ramadi's fall. IS militants moved out to face them.
Ramadi - the capital of Anbar province - is only 110km (70 miles) west of Baghdad. Its fall was seen as a major embarrassment for the government.
About 500 people died in the city, and more than 40,000 - a third of the population - have fled in the past week.
Map showing locations in Anbar province, including Ramadi and Habbaniyah
"Military operations to liberate Husayba, 7km (4.5 miles) east of Ramadi, have begun," a police colonel told AFP news agency.
Witnesses also said they had seen troops move out of their base at Habbaniyah, about 20 miles (30km) from Ramadi.
About 3,000 Shia fighters - and Iraqi troops - were involved.
A senior local official in Anbar told the BBC they now controlled about 90% of Husayba was under their control.
Ramadi's fall was a massive blow to the Iraqi army, to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and to the US, which had encouraged his policy of relying on the official armed forces and police and ruling out a role for Iranian-backed Shia militias, says the BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut.
Their action so deep inside the Sunni heartlands will raise fears of sectarian repercussions, our correspondent says.
But the collapse at Ramadi left Mr Abadi with no choice but to give the green light for the Shia militias of the Popular Mobilisation (al-Hashd al-Shaabi), he says.
The Shia militias played a key role in re-capturing another mainly Sunni provincial capital, Tikrit, from IS militants at the end of March.
Anbar province covers a vast stretch of the country west from Baghdad to the Syrian border, and contains key roads that link Iraq to both Syria and Jordan.
IS reportedly controls more than half of Anbar's territory.

Reprisals, shootings

The UN says it is trying to reach the civilians displaced from Ramadi.
The largest concentration is at the Bzebiz bridge over the Euphrates, on the road to Baghdad. It was closed by the authorities to prevent those fleeing from entering the Iraqi capital.
There are reports of children dying of dehydration in the heat, UN Deputy Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Iraq Dominik Bartsch told the BBC.
It is unclear why the Bzebiz bridge was closed, though there have been concerns that militants could mingle with the displaced and infiltrate Baghdad.
Very little information is available about those still in Ramadi, Mr Bartsch said.
Iraqis wait to cross Bzebiz bridge on 22 May 2015.
Displaced Ramadis have been forced to spend days stranded under very high temperatures
"We hear stories of reprisals, of shootings, of individual persecution of civilians who have remained in the city."
In addition to Ramadi, this week IS militants have also seized the last Syrian government-controlled border crossing with Syria on Friday and, in Syria itself, the ancient city of Palmyra.
Some observers said IS now controls 50% of Syria's entire territory - as well as a third of Iraq.
On Friday, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq warned that fighting IS was no longer a "local matter", and called on the international community to act.
An international coalition has been carrying out air strikes against the militants in Iraq and Syria for months.

IS control in Iraq and Syria

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