Thursday 18 December 2014

Nigeria will defeat Boko Haram, Defence Chief vows
The Chief of Defense Staff, Alex Badeh, on Wednesday assured Nigerians that the military will win the war against Boko Haram terrorists.
Speaking at the Presidential Villa after a breakfast meeting between service Chiefs and President Goodluck Jonathan, Mr. Badeh promised that elections will hold in all part of the country.
“We are certainly not losing it. We are winning the war. Don’t worry, Nigerians should have faith in their military. The nation will win this war. Elections will hold there. Don’t worry,” Mr. Badeh said.
He said the purpose of the meeting with the president was to brief him on the security situation in the country.
“Of course, you are aware of the security situation in the country, the president thought it fit to call us this morning for us to come and brief him about the current situation of things. We have told the president exactly where we are and our future plans. As you know, we can’t talk about our future plans here, that will mean us telling the enemy what we are doing,” he said.
Mr. Badeh said he would rather not discuss the intrigues of the arrest of fake Boko Haram members by the State Security Service, SSS, and the government’s botched ceasefire.
“It is better not to discuss those things. SSS is on it, they are doing their own investigation. They did
a briefing yesterday and they have told you exactly what they are doing. It is better we leave the SSS to handle that one.”
Also speaking on fifth columnists jeopardising their efforts in the Armed Forces, he said: “Don’t worry, the military is handling fifth columnists in its own way”.
Mr. Badeh spoke about the victory of reclaiming Mubi town.
“Normal life is back in Mubi and around that place. We are liberating more and more communities. People are moving in, life is returning back to normal gradually.”
His assurance came as Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau, released a new video promising to kill the Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi, for calling on Kano people to defend themselves against the group.

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