Thursday 18 December 2014

Kenya security bill: Parliament adjourned amid protests

BBC News
Kenya's parliament has been forced to adjourn after angry opposition MPs disrupted government plans to push through a tough new security bill.
MPs shouted, sang and shredded copies of the bill, warning that Kenya was becoming a "police state".
Four lawmakers were assaulted as they were ejected from the Speaker's gallery, unconfirmed reports said.
The government says it needs more powers to fight militant Islamists threatening Kenya's security.
The al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab group has stepped up attacks in Kenya, killing 64 people in two attacks in the north-eastern Mandera region since last month.
Live television broadcasts of the debate were cut as the session degenerated into chaos.
Burned buses in aftermath of militant attack in Kenya in 2014
Al-Shabab has increasingly targeted Kenya
The speaker was forced to adjourn the debate twice, and said it would resume later.
There is a heavy police presence around parliament, after activists called for #OccupyParliament protests to show their opposition to the bill, reports the BBC's Frenny Jowi from the scene.
MPs were recalled from their Christmas break to approve changes to the bill passed last week.
The bill was denounced by the opposition as draconian and they fear that the proposed amendments will make it even worse.
The bill gives the security and intelligence agencies the right to detain terror suspects for up to one year, to tap communications without court consent and requires journalists to obtain police permission before investigating or publishing stories on domestic terrorism and security issues.
President Uhuru Kenyatta has defended the bill, saying it is important for the country's security needs.

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