Wednesday 8 May 2019

Married Women Free To Choose State Of Origin As Reps Pass Bill

The House of Representatives has passed a bill enabling married Nigerian women to choose their state of origin. The ‘Bill for an act to amend the Federal Character Commission (Establishment, etc) Act, 2010, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, Cap F7 to give married women the option of indigeneship and for related matters’ was passed at Tuesday’s plenary session.

It would give married women the option of choosing the indigeneship of either their father or husband if passed into law.
Prior to the amendment, married women were considered indigenes of their husband’s state.
At the committee of the whole, the lower legislative chamber amended section 2, part 11 of the principal act and introduced a new section.
The amended section 2 now provides: “A married woman shall have the option to lay claim to her State or Local Government of origin for the purpose of implementation of the Federal Character formulae at the National level or State as the case may be.”
Edward Pwajok, the sponsor of the bill, had lamented the dilemma women face in either choosing their state of indigeneship in official matters such as for the purposes of appointment or election.

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